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公司資訊 Company Information
名稱Name 和輪工業有限公司(廠商會員 - 第 7 年)
聯絡人Contact 謝炘翰
統編Number 23794328
地址Address 411台中市太平區德利路106號
電話TEL 886-4-22712195
傳真FAX 886-4-22712196
E-mail steven@hocaster.com.tw
網址Website www.hocaster.com.tw/article/about
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和輪工業有限公司創立於民國80年(1991年),董事長謝樹櫸投入心血,專門製造工業高品質腳輪,把和輪定位為OBM(Own Branding & Manufacturing)廠商,OBM必須具備OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer)與ODM(Original Design Manufacturer)的能力。和輪從3*2 Inch美國輪做起,奠定市場基礎與定位,1995年開發鋁合金搭配不水解PU材質,生產高規格腳輪,取代傳統鑄鐵搭配易水解PU的腳輪。隨著時間的錘鍊,新的產品的開發漸漸提高和輪公司的前瞻性與高規格定位,也據此打入日本高規格市場。2003年起投入製造折疊式手推車,採用高級塑鋼版,搭配面板補強柱與高級天然橡膠彈性輪,拓展新的產品線,也意味著和輪工業有限公司不再只是單做腳輪成品,更跨入新的成品市場。為了使得產品線更加多元,以及回應市場需求,2010年開始開發一系列不鏽鋼腳架產品,採用一體成形的製造方式,與更為精緻的表面處理,成功地開創高階的里程碑。


Founded by Chairman Mr. Hsieh Shu Ju with tremendous effort and devotion in1991,Ho Caster Industrial Co., Ltd was positioned as an OBM manufacturer that specializes in producing quality industrial casters with both OEM and ODM capacities.
In order to lay the foundation for and better position the company, Mr. Hsieh first began his business making 3*2 inch American casters. Four years later in 1995, the company launched its development in high-end casters made of aluminum alloys and non-hydrolytic PU substances to replace the traditional ones made of cast iron and highly hydrolytic PU materials. Such development in new products gradually made Ho Caster Industrial a forward-thinking company and secured it a place among the top-tier of the industry, thereby allowing it to enter the Japanese high-end market.
In 2003, the company kicked off its investment in manufacturing foldable trolleys with high-standard UPVC boards, reinforcement bars and elastic rubber wheels. The development of a new product line not only enhanced Ho Caster Industrial's product variety by adding in something other than casters, but also helped the company enter a new market. In 2010, with the purpose of diversifying its products and meeting the market demand, the company started its research and development in stainless steel structures produced with integrally formed manufacturing technologies, which paved the way for the company to enter the top-tier market.
Over the last quarter century, Ho Caster Industrial Co., Ltd has been striving hard to build our own bands, focusing on product quality, providing customer-oriented services and adhering to our own principles in a genuine manner. We will seek to develop unparalleled products, and continue to examine, rectify and improve them with our growing expertise, hoping to achieve the MIT spirit of persistence.

The core values that Ho Caster Industrial upholds have granted the company vitality and the ability to stand firm in the market. Our meticulousness in R&D and production has strengthened our reliability among our distributors and product users. In addition, our pursuit of innovation has also helped lift our brand image and increase customer satisfaction. These all contribute to our incomparable position in the market.
Ho Caster Industrial has been adhering to such principles by imposing strict disciplines and product line monitoring. The factory staffs are required to join regular training so that they are equipped with adequate problem-solving skills. 85% of the company's products and accessories are produced by our own factory, whereas the remaining 15% are produced by different contractors, such as PU and CNC manufacturers for their expertise in corresponding fields. These products must undergo rigorous screening and multiple rounds of tests and examination to ensure that our product lines are of the best quality as well as high stability, and are able to present the MIT quality.