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公司資訊 Company Information
名稱Name 廣州市欣浪廣告材料有限公司(廠商會員 - 第 13 年)
聯絡人Contact 陳子豪
統編Number 暫無提供
地址Address 广州市白云区沙太路283号天健装饰材料城A栋四楼T4115号
電話TEL 86-20-87209426
傳真FAX 86-20-87646497
E-mail sales@sino86.com
網址Website www.xlsino86.com/
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广州市欣浪广告材料有限公司是专业的汽车装饰贴膜和广告装饰贴纸生产企业,公司集生产,加工,销售于一体,行业经验丰富,多年来诚信经营,积极开拓,不断进取,致力于为广大顾客和合作厂商建立一个集广告装饰材料产品、信息、配送、技术服务和公开、透明、快捷、便利的专业 平台。

秉承"注重品质,成就未来"的理念,凭借多年的诚信经营,依托齐全的系列产品,丰富的专业经验和庞大的服务网络,为国内外客户提供优质的产品。产品畅销于海内外,已深受客 户信赖和好评。

我们将以繁荣和发展广告装饰材料行业为己任,致力于为客户提供专业的产品和良好的服 务,共同发展,成就未来。


1.汽车装饰贴纸系列:碳纤膜,汽车改色膜,汽车透明保护膜,大灯膜, 全景天窗膜,汽车拉花贴纸,汽车拉花专用转移膜,透明底汽车反光贴纸,可喷绘车身贴

2.户外广告贴纸系列:即时贴,电脑刻字纸,金银贴纸,荧光纸,转移膜,反光膜,夜光膜, 户外背胶,单面透视

Sino Advertising Material Co., LTD located in Guangzhou,Guangdong province,is a professional supplier you look for a trustworthy and excellent manufacturer providing advertising and decoration stickers.

Our goal is to apply all businessmen of durable high quality products at competitive price, whether you are a chain store owner or a distributor.And our cost savings are passed along to our customers as your profit.

Abiding by the principle of "Super quality, satisfactory service", we are striving hard to be your reliable business partner. The business between us will gradually benefit both of us.

We can promise you with the same quality and the low price of all our goods.It is our mission to maximize our international buyers'profitability and competitiveness.

Main products:
1.Car decoration stickers:Car body wrapping film,Carbon fiber film,Car color change film,Car paint protective film,Car headlight film,Chrome gold/silver film,Vinyl film for car decal stickers

2.Advertising stickers:Color pvc vinyl,Computer cutting film,Metallized film,Transfer film,Reflective sheeting,Fluorescent film,Luminescent film,Solvent printing vinyl,One way vision