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公司資訊 Company Information
名稱Name 顥達企業有限公司(廠商會員 - 第 14 年)
聯絡人Contact 陳奕澔
統編Number 86830693
地址Address 238新北市樹林區中華路379巷62弄6號
電話TEL 886-2-86865115
傳真FAX 886-2-86865300
E-mail fan825-chen@uamil.hinet.net
網址Website www.wholetop.com.tw
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本公司於1983年創立至今,為一專業塑膠押出廠,目前本公司有八條塑膠押出生產線,產品種類多樣,材質選用有 PVC、ABS、PS、PP、PE、PC、PMMA、TPE、CAB等塑膠原料,配合的客戶橫跨各種不同產業,從光電、電子等科技產業至汽車業、傢俱業、建材五金、貿易商、電子遊戲機等各種不同產業皆有產品在本公司生產。




本公司擁有許多T型飾條及自黏裝飾條等自有產品,目前較常使用的產業為傢俱業、電子遊戲機產業、汽車業、建築裝潢業等。可供小量出貨,歡迎詢問訂購。 在異型押出類的產品,由於異型押出的產品項目非常廣闊,不管日常生活或工業用途的產品無奇不有,目前我司較多生產之產品有仿鋁擠壓條、止滑條、軟硬圓管、包裝管、線槽壓蓋、防撞護條及漸漸取代傳統照明的LED、CCFL等省電燈管配件。這類產品主要以客戶簽約後開模訂製,除簽約客戶以外,不得販售於其它客戶。 本公司產品種類多樣化、應用範圍廣大;接受委託設計製造(ODM)、委託代工製造(OEM)、代客開模、直接外銷等。服務項目皆可參考本公司之產品介紹。若有任何問題請再與本公司聯絡。

We "Whole Top" founded in 1983, is of a professional plastic extrusion plant till now have more than 20 years, known for producing various high-quality veneer decorative edging strips in this field, for example of arcade gaming device assemblers, we share more than 70% in local market. Both procedure & quality are control strict, our decorative edging strips are approved by liquid crystal panel producers and work together to developed many special products.

We have 7 lines for plastic extrusion, 2 lines of veneer decorative edging strips, 5 line of different plastic extrusion for irregular cross section. There are TPE, PC, PP, PE, ABS and soft PVC (RoHS), and some special material such as CAB etc. Our vary products in color, pattern, soft/rigid, different length & width all are available under OEM / ODM not just vary option only but better quality and efficiency delivery.

Our customers are spread in the world in different field with OEM/ODM cooperation. Exception of arcade game assembly plants, furniture factories, auto material dealers, building material dealers, stationery suppliers now we also work with Hi-Tech company to supplied special decorative edging strips for LCD & LED. The company's leading quality & reputation has earned high praises from renowned local & oversea. For more understand, you are welcome to visit our company any time.

Quality and efficiency remains the company's utmost responsible to its customers and a major philosophy the company upholds, and presenting the customer with professional technique & purchase from design, tooling develop and in production, no matter in material option, products accuracy, we all make customers satisfy in different field. We are still keeping effort in quality and efficiency also improving in procedure to cost down and get better quality to reflect customer and reach to the goal with long term & win-win relationship.