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公司資訊 Company Information
名稱Name 鎌鉦興業股份有限公司(廠商會員 - 第 15 年)
聯絡人Contact 陳先生
統編Number 55917293
地址Address 429台中市神岡區光啟路168號
電話TEL 886-4-25625559
傳真FAX 886-4-25626827
E-mail sales@lianjeng.com
網址Website www.lianjeng.com
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“卓越品質保證,是您最佳的選擇'一直是鎌鉦秉持的精神,本公司成立於1981年,正時各界對量產化五金機械,零配件製造設備需求之殷切,同年開發製造萬能立橫銑床問市,受到五金零配件製造業之肯定,並開始拓展外銷,同時為了使生產效率提高,加工品質穩定,陸續研發油壓自動化立橫銑床,對於電子周邊零件機械製造、汽機車產業、汽(電)動工具業,縫紉機,針織機…等五金機械零件相關產業,提供快速,穩定, 機動之優質服務,二十餘年來不斷更新設計,獲得各界肯定,目前已行銷世界數十個國家,近年來由於各產業競爭激烈,本公司除提供客戶優良之銑床服務外,並累積數十年之製造經驗,針對客戶之實際需求,設計專用之機床設備/提供必需之技術服務,同時朝向整廠設備輸出行銷路線,一樣堅持品質保證經銷臺灣各大優質品牌CNC中心機,CNC車床,精密內外圓磨床,平面磨床,放電加工機…等各類精密工作母機及其它相關機床工具五金配件等之銷售服務,朝向專業整廠設備輸出邁進,並提供完整之售後服務、全方位行銷、定讓各界獲得最優質之服務!

"To provide guaranteed excellent quality for customer's best choice" has been LIAN JENG CORPOATION's motto. LIAN JENG CORPOATION was established in 1981; by the meantime demands to the machinery for hardware and part mass production were at crest. In the same year LIAN JENG CORPOATION launched the universal vertical horizontal milling machine, whose quality and performance earned recognitions from customers in sector of hardware and parts manufacturing. Upon the basis of this early success, LIAN JENG CORPOATION furthered its reach to foreign marketplaces. Nevertheless, to obtain better efficiency and consistent quality, LIAN JENG CORPOATION put great efforts into developing automatic hydraulic vertical horizontal milling machine. Our customers scatter in a variety of sectors such as manufacture of electronic peripheral components and parts, automobiles, pneumatic/electric power tools, sawing machines, knitting machines, etc. For prompt and complete service, continuous improvements for more than two decades, LIAN JENG CORPOATION wins high reputation and builds a sales network spanning over scores of countries around the world. Apart from outstanding milling machines, LIAN JENG CORPOATION provides even bigger ideas to further cater for your specific production needs. Based on extensive expertise and experience, we offer turnkey solutions consist of a diverse of Taiwan-made quality machines - CNC machining centers, CNC lathes, precision external/internal grinders, surface grinders, EDMs and so on. LIAN JENG CORPOATION gives all-in-all turnkey solutions - from equipment, technical support to comprehensive after-sale service.