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名稱 慶隆光機電有限公司廠商會員 - 第 18 年
營業型態 公司/行號
聯絡人 吳明峰
統編 89534577
地址 247新北市蘆洲區中山二路176-1號 6F
電子郵件 ome-top@ome-top.com
網址 www.ome-top.com
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目前本公司所經營之產品包含各式顯微鏡、數位顯微鏡、手持式顯微鏡與3D影像測繪儀(Video Precision Measuring System)、量測軟體、工業用內視鏡、甲壁微循環觀測儀與其他光學器材,並作全方位之服務,從維修保養到技術諮詢均有專人為您解說。

對於以上說明若欲進一步了解,歡迎來電或上網查詢 。

OME-TOP SYSTEMS CO., LTD. was officially organized and established in 1994. In compliance with government’s policy of developing the semiconductor industries and biotechnology, our effort should be based on the fundamental science education of schools. In the field of high technology, it is also necessary to have basic inspection instruments. On account of above reasons, we invited domestic and overseas specialists in the field of optical instruments to form this company. With our existence, one of the purposes of running the business is to have schools and industrial businesses with reasonable costs get the best quality assurance and after-sales service for their procurement.

Each one of our technical staff has experience in this field for more than 10 years. From the productions of optical lenses to the design and OEM of optical instruments, our staff is consistent with the needs of customers. For domestic market, we are primarily aimed at the services for schools and industrial businesses at present. In addition, with our efforts on research and development of new products, we believe that the technology will be rooted and the goal of promotion of science and technology industries will be fulfilled as well. Make an effort on our products include a variety of microscopes, portable telescopes, the 3D Video Precision Measuring System, measurement software, industrial laparoscopes, the nailfold microcirculation viewer, and other related apparatus. Our complete services ranging from repair and maintenance to technical consultations are well explained and served by specified persons.

For further information, please feel free to call us or visit our website.

Your opinions and feedback will be highly appreciated.