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名稱 映興電子股份有限公司廠商會員 - 第 19 年
營業型態 公司/行號
聯絡人 映興電子股份有限公司
統編 22306125
地址 408台中市南屯區台中市南屯區工業19路10號
電子郵件 sales@avertronics.com
網址 www.avertronics.com
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映興電子成立於西元1986年,為連接器及線組加工製造買賣業務、無線控制系統產品、照明系統產品研發製造加工一貫化服務之專業製造廠。以「成為顧客首選的事業夥伴」的為企業願景,產品皆已取得國際ISO9000 / 14000 / 18000 品質及管理體系認證;相關產品也取得UL、CSA、CE及各國無線電應用模組產品規格所需之認證。


掌握全球環境變化及市場脈動,以前瞻的眼光成功開發「智慧化綠建築無線控制系統」(IGBA),並以自有品牌「avin」行銷海內外,創新之商品化形態與專業服務,頗獲市場好評,為公司產品開創新紀元;結合本業之製造、通路優勢,提供智慧化空間 / 無線控制系統、LED光源燈具、感測系統、影音監控等全方位整合平台服務,引領企業邁向國際化、全球化。

Avertronics INC. was established in 1986; and it is the contract manufacturing for wire-harness and also being active in developing wireless control and lighting control system products. “Becoming the 1st choice of your business partner" has been regarded as Avertronics vision. to achieve the vision, Avertronics INC. has obtained the quality and management certification ofISO9000 / 14000 / 18000 . Its related products have also been accredited by UL, CSA, CE and the specifications applied in module products in different countries.

Avertronics INC offers the processing of connecting elements, connecting wire modules, wireless application modules, system products, and related technology for the electronic, electrical, mechanic, photonics and health care industries. With its excellent ability in resources integration, real-time production and manufacturing can be fulfilled for customers. Moreover, Avertronics set up manufactories and branches in Hongkong, Shengzhen and Kunshan for providing the service to customer immediately; and increase its brand value and reputation in the world

To protect the our environment and catch the global market trend, Avertronics also develop Intelligent Green Building Automation control system (IGBA) successfully; and create self-possessed brand “avin” to provides new product’s image and quality service. Moreover, Avertronics INC link up its technology and marketing advantage to offer the wireless control system, LED lighting, sensor system and monitor system service to customer, and extend its business in the world.