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公司資訊 Company Information
名稱Name 宜捷工業股份有限公司(廠商會員 - 第 8 年)
聯絡人Contact 劉興鎧
統編Number 22835379
地址Address 824高雄市燕巢區安招路679號
電話TEL 886-7-6166321 分機634
傳真FAX 886-7-6166323
E-mail jonathan.liu@ejeetw.com
網址Website www.ejee.com.tw
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宜捷公司成立於1988年,即積極投入汽車車體鈑金模具,專業製造的領域。本公司秉持“誠信、踏實、服務、世界觀 ' 的經營理念,並永無止境的追求比客戶要求更高的水準,把滿意提供給客戶的意念,持續不斷的向上提升,融合於企業經營理念之中。

全員共識以 “宜捷以員工為本,員工以公司為瞻,公司以客戶為尊,客戶以宜捷為榮' 的指導原則,做為我們企業永續經營,生存發展之不變原則。我們在尊重人性化的管理中,架構出宜捷人追求的企業文化: “大多數人共同的價值觀和大多數人共同的行為模式' 做為企業體的中心主軸。


EJEEcompany was established in 1988 with her speciality in the field of manufacturing stamping dies for automobile“RELIABLE, STEADY, SERVICE, and COSMOPOLITAN' are the key, which leads our company's operation constantlyin meeting the higher and higher standard required by customers.

"PERMANENT OPERATION is the goal of EJEE, and will be achieved by the following principle:
● Company's management is based on mutual reliance between owner and staffs.
● EJEE company honors all customersand receive their applause in return.
Through the humanistic management, company isorganized by common value and behavior of majority.

All these features have built up a team with her continuous learning and growing, in facing the international competition.
We are ready to take the challenge and are confident to create our own future in 21th century.