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名稱 鉦達機電科技有限公司廠商會員 - 第 14 年
營業型態 公司/行號
聯絡人 楊茂樟
統編 24521944
地址 807高雄市三民區自由一路225號
電子郵件 service@jengdar.com.tw
網址 www.jengdar.com.tw
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鉦達機電科技有限公司是臺灣製造晶體式高週波碳鋼焊接機設備技術領先的製造商。公司的創建、起源於創立人蕭詳麟先生從西元1960年代服務於知名鋼鐵公司 – 高興昌鋼鐵股份有限公司擔任製管焊接設備和電控系統的工作,以及歷經兩次和股東合夥設立機電公司後,累積40年以上的專業經驗及技術而獨立創建的焊接機械公司。

鉦達機電科技有限公司的人員組成是由一群擁有合格技術的工程師及管理團隊,專精製造晶體式高週波碳鋼焊接機設備100KW ~ 800KW。

鉦達機電科技有限公司對產品及服務其正本清源的經營理念是秉持 “品質領先‧服務優先’ 為對國內及國際客戶們的承諾宗旨。 我們的產品系列依據客戶的規格要求提供標準和客制化的選項製造服務。我們提供的服務承諾是 - 了解客戶的需求在項目預算和出貨速度範圍內提交高品質的產品。隨著未來經濟快速全球化的趨勢及競爭性迅速增長,我們充分了解唯有具備優良的產品,先進的技術,具競爭力的價格,快速交期和優質的高附加價值服務提供給國內及國際客戶才能因應全球性的挑戰。


Jeng Dar Electric Technology Co., Ltd is one of the leading manufacturers to produce transistor high frequency carbon steel welder in Taiwan. The company’s founder is Mr. Shang-Lin Hsiao who worked in a famous enterprise – Kao Hsing Chang Iron & Steel Corporation in the 60’s which operated in the field of manufacturing pipe making equipment and auto control devices. After organizing the electric company with shareholders twice and accumulating professional experience and technical knowledge in welding industry for more than 40 years, he established a sole welding machinery company.

Jeng Dar Electric Technology Co., Ltd is formed and managed by highly qualified team of engineers and specialized in manufacturing transistor high frequency carbon steel welding machine from 100KW to 800KW.

The fundamental management philosophy of Jeng Dar is “Quality Precedence & Service Supremacy” as core commitments to our products and services for various domestic and international clients in global. Our products are offered in standard type as well as customized option as per client’s requirements. Our services are committed to understand the requirements of clients to achieve high quality products within project budget and schedule. As the globalization economy is ahead, the competition is going to grow rapidly, we will fully equipped with excellent products, advanced techniques, competitive prices, timely delivery and quality service with high added value to both domestic and international markets in order to excel and meet the global challenges.

We appreciate for taking time to visit our website. Please do continue to visit most often as we continue to update our products and services. We also welcome any type of queries and feedbacks regarding our products and services for mutual benefits.